Smartclass Online is a portal for students studying all over the world. Here you can exchange and share your notes, learning materials, tricks and tips with other students. You can make friends, and communicate with them.
Smartclass Online is also a virtual school for Educomp smartclass schools. smartclass provides instructor-led education solutions for private schools, and has developed India’s largest content library. You can download assignments, notes, presentations and other information that your teachers upload for you to view from home.
Smartclass Online is a convenient entry point to many exciting ways of e-learning, including, online tutoring at, and learning communities at
Smartclass Online is an offering of Educomp Solutions Limited, India’s largest education company.
Educomp works closely with schools to implement innovative models to create and deliver content to enhance student learning. Educomp’s long undiluted focus on the K-12, curriculum design and teacher education space in developing applications and products, has revolutionized the learning process in India.
Visit for more information on Educomp Solutions Limited.
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